Thursday, December 8, 2011


I really like how my art projects turned out this semester. I learned how when you paint you can make different textures by using the back of your paint brush, or adding salt. I also learned when we did the color wheel, when we did the experiments it gave me lots of ideas to put in my water color painting. My favorite project that we did was the zentangle. I liked how with that project you could start out with a simple idea, and add little designs & turn it into something big. The scratchboard was another one of my favorites, because it was a challenge coloring the opposite things in. I didn't want to do the oil pastel drawing at first, but when I was finished it actually looked really good. The thing I didn't like about using the oil pastels was that the pastels would smear, and I would have to go back and redo some parts of the picture. My least favorite project would be the self portrait painting. I didn't like drawing a picture of myself then putting it into the posterize effect. I enjoyed using the scratch tools, paint, and oil pastels. I would like to use those again for second semester.

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